Introduction to PELLE-project learning modules

This learning module functions as a preparation and postprocessing to the learning activities of the PELLE project. PELLE stands for Perspectives of places of learning, forms of learning and learning content in adult education. Find out more about the project here.

The learning module is meant to be processional throughout the project where everynone can participate by adding sources.

The learning modules are divided in the different learning activities which took place throghout the project. Every visited place and learning activity had its own focus on topics. Click through the different learning activities to find out!

  • This learning module functions as a preparation and postprocessing to the learning activities of the PELLE project. It is meant to be a processional module throughout the project where everyone can participate by adding sources.


    What is a third (learning) place?

    This wiki explains what a third place is. Click here for article Third Place

    Introduction and practical examples to 3rd learning places

    A video (in german) produced by the hvv to 3rd learning places to a conference on 3rd learning places in March 2022.

    It contains 3 examples of 3rd places. Additionaly, Prof. Dr. Martin Lätzel, director of the state library of Schleswig-Holstein in Kiel, gives a theoretical overview on 3rd places. The video is accessable on YouTube.

    Erasmus+ trip to Sweden and 3rd learning places 2019

    The Hessischer Volkshochschulverband (hvv) went abroad with pedagogical staff and course leaders of hessian adult education centers to Sweden. Studjefrämjandet in Uppsala as our lovely hosts shared their knowldedge about the organization itself and presented interesting third places such as Kontakten in Gottsunda, konstbruket,Gotlands Nation, musikslot etc. The group also visited the deputy major of Uppsala and ReTuna Recycling Mall in Elskilstuna. Main topic were third learning places. On this blog you can read about the background, watch interviews with different people of the different places and get an impression of the Erasmus+ mobility itself.

    Contemporary Architecture

    Information about contemporary architecture by Aat Voos.

    You can click through the page for interesting examples of architecture.

    The link directs you to an example for the plans of the Bildungshaus Norderstedt. It will contain the adult education center Volkshochschule, the City Archive and City Library under one roof.

    Current project Bildungshaus Norderstedt

    A journey to 3rd places by Dr. Christoph Köck

    The director of hvv Dr. Christoph Köck wrote a german article about 3rd places. Unfortunately it is not an open access:

    Köck, C. (2020). Zwischen Ornithologenpub und Oodi: Eine Reise zu Dritten Lernorten in Skandinavien. In B. Käpplinger (Hrsg.), Neue Häuser der Erwachsenenbildung 1959 und 2019. Bleibt alles anders? (S. 209–226). Berlin: Peter Lang.

    Brookings: "Third places" as community builders."

    The Brookings Institution is a nonprofit public policy organization based in Washington, DC. Our mission is to conduct in-depth research that leads to new ideas for solving problems facing society at the local, national and global level." Source:

    They have published an article about "third places" as community builders.

    Article (English and German): Applied Cinema and Social Cohesion: Promoting Gender Equity through Film for Development among the Kom of North West Cameroon

    English abstract:

    "Applied Cinema uses filmmaking as a means of social intervention in communities. The Film for Development (FfD) variant first brings together disadvantaged people to reflect on their predicaments and brainstorm on solutions, resulting in story creation and the making of a participatory film that sensitizes the public for their stories. This study used the FfD approach to promote gender equity among the Kom Society of North West Cameroon. The study sought to answer the following questions: Which socio-cultural practices in Kom Society exclude women? What are women’s views on how to foster their inclusion in the Kom society? How can strategies for the inclusion of women be presented in a community sensitization film? Using participant observation, focus group discussions and key informant interviews, this study revealed two categories of practices that exclude women. The first includes those endorsed by the traditional leaders (institutional practices), while the second includes those actively fought against by the traditional leaders. Suggestions from respondents on how to empower women in Kom were further woven into a community film through participatory dramaturgy. It is at this point that this work tallies with Arts Education, especially from a functional and learning perspective, at the informal level."

    German Abtract: (Auszug):

    "Angewandtes Kino nutzt das Filmemachen als Mittel zur sozialen Intervention in verschiedenen Gemeinschaften. Der Ansatz „Film for Development“ (FfD) bringt benachteiligte Menschen zusammen, gibt ihnen Raum zur Reflexion ihrer Lage und zum Brainstormen von Lösungen und ermöglicht so neue Narrative und ein partizipatives Filmemachen, das die Öffentlichkeit für ihre Erzählungen sensibilisiert. Diese Forschungsarbeit nutzt den FfD-Ansatz, um Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in der Gesellschaft der Kom im Nordwesten Kameruns zu fördern. Folgende Fragen sucht die Arbeit zu beantworten: Durch welche soziokulturellen Praktiken der Kom-Gesellschaft werden Frauen ausgeschlossen? Wie kann aus Sicht der Frauen ihre Einbindung in die Kom-Gesellschaft gefördert werden? Wie können Strategien zur Einbindung von Frauen in einem Film dargestellt werden, der die Gemeinschaft sensibilisieren soll?" Alasambom Nyingchuo (2021): Applied Cinema and Social Cohesion: Promoting Gender Equity through Film for Development among the Kom of North West Cameroon. In: KULTURELLE BILDUNG ONLINE:

    Enter the Specialists - The Power of Dominant Discourse in Dutch Music Education

    English abstract:

    "In this article, the work of power through discourse in music education in primary schools in the Netherlands is examined. After introducing the central concepts of culture, practice, discourse, and power, the current dominant musical discourse in the Netherlands is presented as expressed in three nested perspectives: the perspective of music as a specialist domain, the perspective of music as (essentially instrumental) performance, and the perspective of music as Art. Then, a central document in current music educational developments in Dutch primary schools is analysed. It is demonstrated that specifically the perspectives of music as a specialist domain and (partly) music as (instrumental) performance have a strong presence in this document. The article concludes with an appeal for more attention to the workings of dominant musical discourse in music pedagogical debates."

    Evert Bisschop Boele (2018)

    German Abstract:

    "Dieser Artikel reflektiert die Macht der Diskurse bezogen auf den Musikunterricht an Grundschulen in den Niederlanden. Nach der Einführung der zentralen Konzepte von Kultur, Praxis, Diskurs und Macht wird der derzeit dominierende musikalische Diskurs in den Niederlanden in drei ineinander verschränkten Perspektiven dargestellt: Musik als Fachgebiet von Spezialisten, Musik als (im Wesentlichen instrumentale) Aufführung und Musik als Kunst. Anschließend wird ein zentrales Dokument zu aktuellen musikpädagogischen Entwicklungen in den niederländischen Grundschulen analysiert. Hierbei zeigt sich, dass vor allem die Perspektiven von Musik als Fachgebiet und (teilweise) Musik als (instrumentale) Aufführung stark in diesem Dokument präsent sind. Der Artikel endet mit dem Aufruf der Macht, die dominierende musikalische Diskurse in musikpädagogischen Debatten haben, mehr Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken."

    Evert Bisschop Boele (2018): Enter the Specialists - The Power of Dominant Discourse in Dutch Music Education. In: KULTURELLE BILDUNG ONLINE:

    Further material in other languages

    Only in german: Ländlicher Kulturtourismus - „Dritte Orte“ für (raum)produktive Transformation und partizipative Begegnung


    "Welche Potenziale für ländliche Kulturentwicklung bietet das Handlungsfeld Tourismus? Wie ordnet sich das Thema Kulturtourismus aktuell ein in den kulturwissenschaftlichen Diskurs? Anhand der stadtsoziologischen Theorie von „Dritten Orten“ der Begegnung wird erläutert, warum und wie die in einer eigenen empirischen Studie erhobenen und weiter geschärften empirischen German Abstract: Kenntnisse über Alltags- und Reisekulturnutzung eingeordnet werden können, um teilhabeorientierten Kulturtourismus in ländlichen Räumen zu entwickeln. BewohnerInnen und TouristInnen werden als eigene Publikumsgruppen genauer betrachtet und die Frage geklärt, welche Bedeutung beide in ländlichen Kulturtourismus-Settings füreinander haben. Die touristischen Ressourcen von „Lokalität“ und „Authentizität“ ländlicher Kulturtourismusangebote ergeben sich als Ergebnis unterschiedlich geglückter Teilhabe von BewohnerInnen im kulturtouristischen System."

    Katja Drews (2018): Ländlicher Kulturtourismus - „Dritte Orte“ für (raum)produktive Transformation und partizipative Begegnung. In: KULTURELLE BILDUNG ONLINE: .

    The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

  • Livekarusellen

    Live-Karusellen is Studiefrämjandet's big national music tour. They work for an equal stage and are open to everyone - regardless of music style, experience and age. At Studjefrämjandet youth and adults can form a band and have professional pedagogical support. The biggest event is a nation wide competition. Livekarusellen

    Study circles

    Studjefrämjandet support the forming of study circles.Individuals with their friends or associations can start a study circle to learn something new together, create music, organize an autumn market or other activities. Studjefrämjandet supports those groups. Link to study circles.

    3rd learning places in Sweden

    Erasmus+ trip to Sweden and 3rd learning places 2019

    The Hessischer Volkshochschulverband (hvv) went abroad with pedagogical staff and course leaders of hessian adult education centers to Sweden. Studjefrämjandet in Uppsala as our lovely hosts shared their knowldedge about the organization itself and presented interesting third places such as Kontakten in Gottsunda, konstbruket,Gotlands Nation, musikslot etc. The group also visited the deputy major of Uppsala and ReTuna Recycling Mall in Elskilstuna. Main topic were third learning places. On this blog you can read about the background, watch interviews with different people of the different places and get an impression of the Erasmus+ mobility itself. Enter the blog

  • FIEF Third Learning places learning module

    Joachim Sucker: Third space - an attempt of a description

    The text is in german and is by Joachim Sucker (2018): Der Dritte Ort - Versuch einer Beschreibung. You can read the original text here. The colleagues of the FIEF translated the text into English. You can download the translated version here.

    A Video to the idea of the new european Bauhaus

    Click here to watch the video.

    European society and European networks

    Delanty, Gerard (2015) The making of European society: contesting methodological nationalism. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 29 (1). pp. 3-15. ISSN 1351-1610

    Click here to read the text.

    Extract Heyl: Political Pedagogy

    Original source in german: Heyl, B. (2017): Exemplarisches Lernen und Verstehen. Ernest Jouhy und das Foyer International d'Etudes Francaises (F.I.E.F.). In: Heyl, B. / Voigt, S., Weick, E. (Hrsg.). Ernest Jouhy - Zur Aktualität eines leidenschaftlichen Pädagogen (1. Auflage). Brandes & Apsel. S. 97-116, Auszug S. 100-102.

    Click here to read the translated abstract.

    Museum corner

    Lifelong Learning in museums - A European Handbook

    A project report that comprehensively documents the relationship to learning within the framework of a European project. For English version click here.

    Museen und lebenslanges Lernen - Ein europäisches Handbuch:

    Ein Projektbericht, der den Bezug zum Lernen im Rahmen eines europäischen Projektes umfassend dokumentiert. Deutsche Version hier abrufbar.

    Further Material in other languages

    In German: Lebenslanges Lernen in Museen (Matthias Hamann)

    Zur Online-Version hier entlang: Lebenslanges Lernen in Museen

    Projects of third learning places in Darmstadt (Germany): Mathildenhöhe and Osthang

    Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt: Click here to download file

    Project Osthang: Click here for the PDF file of the Program Project Osthang.

    Click here for summary Project Osthang.

    Further sources to the project:

  • Museum corner

    An inspiring introduction to museum education!

    Here you can watch a short and inspiring Interview of Dr. Antje von Rein, Hans-Hermann Groppe und Stephanie Jentzsch about museum education! The Video is in German.

    Click here to watch the Video CODE: yY7ns@Mw

    Visiting a museum: Reflection sheet

    Click here for the reflection sheet

    Here you find the summarised results of the reflection sheet. The PELLE project members participated in this survey.

    Heritage Interpretation

    Here you find the documentation of the Workshop in September in FIEF about heritage interpretation. Qualities of heritage interpretation

    Lifelong Learning in museums - A European Handbook

    A project report that comprehensively documents the relationship to learning within the framework of a European project. For English version click here.

    Museen und lebenslanges Lernen - Ein europäisches Handbuch:

    Ein Projektbericht, der den Bezug zum Lernen im Rahmen eines europäischen Projektes umfassend dokumentiert. Deutsche Version hier abrufbar.

    Further Material in other languages

    Lebenslanges Lernen in Museen (Matthias Hamann)

    Zur Online-Version hier entlang: Lebenslanges Lernen in Museen

  • Nature as a Third Learning Place

    Third learning places with the Kinderfreunde Mühlviertel @ the Mühl-fun-viertel in Austria

    Pedagogical priciples of our organisationThe Kinderfreunde were founded in 1908. The life of workers' children should be improved through solidarity. Since then, our fields of work have become very diverse, but it is still about developing ideas for change and achieving concrete improvements. So we are working on making the living conditions and society more child-compatible and child-friendly. That is our political mission.

    Since 1908 we have also been working practically with children on a daily basis. Children play and learn in our facilities, in children's groups and at events. This is our educational work.

    Education focuses on the developing, the learning person and their relationships to other people. We Kinderfreunde design this pedagogical work in our own Kinderfreunde way.

    So we are a political-educational movement. We work with children and accompany them in their development, but we also work for them when we campaign politically to improve their living and development conditions.

    People with different educational backgrounds work in the various fields of activity of Kinderfreunde. Some Kinderfreunde earn their living in our organization, others are active as “volunteers”. The roles of the people involved are very different, from the kindergarten/after-school teacher to the holiday supervisor, or the person in charge of a Red Falcon group or the employee of a local children's friends group. However, all friends of children share the same vision: to improve the lives of children!

    And we Kinderfreunde are connected by a common basic pedagogical understanding and we are united in the conviction that every activity at Kinderfreunde – no matter in which area – is important for the life and development of the children. Play, learning, adventure, community, education, protection... all of these are part of being a child and are essential to the child's development. The more diverse the offers for children, young people and their families, the more likely they are to meet their individual needs.

    The fact that our work in the educational and political field is shaped by our Kinderfreunde attitude distinguishes it from the work of others. In everything we think and do, we as friends of children are guided by our values: equality, justice, freedom, peace, diversity and solidarity.

    That's why our pedagogy is special - a Kinderfreunde pedagogy. It is the way to achieve our goal: A successful life for all people!


    All children have rights!

    For more than 30 years we have been fighting for the awareness, compliance and implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Austria.

    A lot has happened in these 30 years, including some articles of the 2011 Convention that were given constitutional status. But for the concrete life situation of many children, the situation is still not something to celebrate: many children live in poverty, many children experience violence, many children do not get the therapy they need quickly enough and much more.

    That is why we continue to work to ensure that all children's rights become a reality for all children!

    Nature as a learning place

    Nature as a learning place in the Mühl-fun-viertel

    The aim was to create a place where everyone can learn, play and enjoy nature. A place that reminds you how beautiful life is. A place that connects!

    A holiday paradise where performance and costs are individually coordinated, because everyone is welcome. Families, school classes, groups of children and young people, clubs, company outings and management seminars come to us.

    Directly on the lake, in the middle of nature in the border triangle - Germany, Austria, Czech Republic - the Mühl-fun-viertel was created in a place that symbolizes the connection between peoples, in a place that connects. At this location, a space was created that combines the infrastructure of youth hostels, campgrounds and seminar centers.

    We think about tomorrow and use the energy of nature. With minimal emissions, fascinating technology brings the energy of the sun, wind and water directly to the Mühl-fun-viertel. Electricity and water heating is free and environmentally friendly.

    Sustainability and careful use of our planet's resources are important priorities in the Mühl-fun-viertel. We preserve our nature so that we can show our children what great experiences one can have in it.

    Links to tobacco factory in Linz and Ars Electronica

    Link to tobacco factory in Linz

    Link to Ars Electronica


CC BY SA 4.0 Hessischer Volkshochschulverband e. V. for PELLE-project on Exceptions: included downloads and external links


The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.