About the project
Today Europe and the European Union are confronted with worldwide streams of refugees and crises in their homelands. In particular refugees from Afghanistan, Syria, Iran and Iraq take their way through Turkey on the "Balkan route" to Europe. In the year 2015 most of the refugees wanted to go to Germany, Sweden and Austria. This is the reason why we have chosen partner organisations from those 4 countries in order to work on solutions together.
Migrants, refugees and asylum seekers do not have the same possibilities like people living in European countries. Some people never went to school or did it only for a short time; there are big gaps in the level of education.
In many countries there are good experiences in inclusive education of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. Some of the partner organisations could gather a lot of experiences in this field already.Now there are a lot of people in Europe and the best practice experiences of the different countries should be taken to develop offers of parental education in the other countries.
The exchange of best practice in this field will bring reduction of disparities and disadvantaged backgrounds of participants in future work. It will help to make the transition of the people easier for their living in the European countries.
Within this project the staff and the trainers of the organisations of adult education get better qualifications and competences in doing their jobs. They get new ideas, methods and didactical opportunities to solve problems in their measures. They open and widen their practical horizons in doing their work. The leading people in the organizations will get higher competences in recruiting, selecting and introducing new staff to work in this field. They get new competences for working with learners with disadvantaged backgrounds. They get models of courses with contents and competences. New forms of education will help them dealing with the big groups of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants.
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